Thinking and learning skills in the 21st century revolve around real-world applications and global communication. Unlike it was in my day over 25 years ago, acquired knowledge today can be put to use immediately within our students’ lives.

As teachers, in the classroom and out of the classroom as parents, we must teach for the future in mind. Teaching must be a partnering relationship. Students must still learn how to read, analyze, synthesize, research and apply what they have learned. It is just how they achieve these skills through the usage of technology and real-world application that is different.

Instead of students reading books and doing book reports they could post their opinions on a blog for discussion or even speak to the author him/herself by Skype. Writing pieces can be published on the web for others to read and comment on.

Feedback is not only from teachers, but classroom peers and peers from around the world. Thinking is global and not just within the classroom.

Learning skills now include individual passions and interests, technology skills, independent learning, global communication and knowing where and how to research and find the answers.

In this ever-changing digital world teaching kids to be self-sufficient and resourceful is the key. We as teachers have the front row seat to making the changes within our classroom and being able to experience it along with our students. What an exciting time it is to be a 21st-century teacher!