Instructing Struggling Readers

Instructing struggling readers is much like weaving a delicate tapestry. In the end the overall outcome is magnificent and the beauty is in the details. One must remember that each tapestry is unique in its’ own way and that the design requires special attention to the individual details, just like struggling readers have their own needs that are individual and cannot be put into a “one size fits all” intervention.

When weaving a tapestry one must be fully instructed in the ways of looming, much like it is for teachers to be effective in teaching struggling readers need to be continually upgraded in their expertise in reading instruction. As the weaver uses quality threads to weave his masterpiece, so the teacher must provide quality classroom instruction for the struggling reader to improve and achieve success.

The smaller and tighter the threads are loomed together the stronger the tapestry becomes. So it is with the size of the intervention group for struggling readers. The smaller the group the better and the more expert the teacher even better!

To create the intricate design great detail must be focused upon the weaving of the individual threads together. For struggling readers, the more intensive and expert the intervention the more successful the outcome for reading achievement becomes. Throughout the whole process the teacher needs to make the decisions about the curriculum instruction and assessment for the student.

Just like the weaver makes decisions on appropriate colors and stitches to use to create the final picture, so the teacher makes available appropriate texts to meet the various needs of the student. A masterpiece cannot be rushed to its’ fruition. That is why it takes a consorted effort on both teacher and student to keep foraging ahead to reading success.

Expanded instructional time is needed for the struggling reader to practice his/her reading skills for advancement, so it is with the master weaver to delicately weave his magnificent tapestry. The extra time spent with all the expert teaching, intense attention to individual student needs, appropriate text and teacher knowledge of students comes together in one basic culmination – a better reader. This reader is more confident, better skilled in the reading process, and able to read independently.

In the end, when the finished product is complete, the many hours to perfect and the rigorous attention to the minutest detail has been given, the master weaver can take pride in knowing that what has been created will stand the test of time.

As for the teacher, the tapestry that has been woven will be inspiring for others to view and be truly considered a masterpiece for further generations to imitate.