I woke up this morning with a heavy heart and an overburdened soul. I have been trying to make sense of a situation in my life for the past year. It has caused me many a sleepless night and constant worry, but today all was put into perspective for me.

I have been constantly searching for a new job in education for the past year and have not found success as yet. So of course time is getting close to ending the job I have, which I totally enjoy, and move on. But where will I go? Will I like my new job? Will I fit in?

So many unanswered questions. So many unknowns.  I had been praying to God for a sign to help relieve my stress. A sign to let me know that stepping outside of my comfort zone and into the unknown was going to be a good thing.

So, today when I awoke I noticed it was St. Joseph’s Day. He is the patron Saint of Sicily and that is whom the Sicilians prayed to when they had a famine. He was also stepfather to Jesus and was obedient to all God expected of him. It was said that when he died he was in the company of both Mary and Jesus.

This made me began to think back to my days in New Orleans and when I attended St. Joseph Altars. I remember how much this day was set apart for his feast day. Then it hit me!  I found the missing piece to my puzzle.

Through all the searching, worrying and praying about my situation I never thought to say a Novena.  And since today was St. Joseph’s Day and he is patron saint of families and workers, a novena to him would be appropriate.

So I looked online and the first St. Joseph novena I came across was it. Not because it was the first one I googled, but in the beginning before the novena this is what it said:

“Say this prayer for nine days for anything you may desire. Than let go and let God. Trust  that whatever is the outcome of your novena is truly what is best for you in accordance with the will of God.”

What a perfect sign! It was meant to be. I am always saying “Let go and Let God.” And today I chose it as the title for my post before I found the novena.

As of now I am feeling my burden lightened. I know that something will come up for me. I just have to be patient and know that God is going to send me where He needs me.

We, as creatures of God, have a natural tendency to want to control all that goes on around us. But that is all an illusion. God is in control of the way our lives are going. It is by His design that our lives are lived out and not our own.

Today I found out that if you really “LET GO and LET GOD” things will eventually fall into place and all will be revealed in its’ own time.

Just another life lesson learned!