You can ask anyone who knows me and they will say the relationship I shared with my mother was extremely special. We were so very close and I loved her unconditionally. She was not only my mother, but my best friend, confidant, biggest fan and the one person I trusted the most in my life.

I knew she would never lead me in the wrong direction or give me bad advice. She was always looking out for my well-being and happiness. I could be having a bad day and all I needed to do was give her a call, hear her voice and it would be ok.

I guess that is why I miss her so much today now that she is gone, but the memories of the times we shared are etched into my memory and a part of my soul.

People use to tease me and call me a “Momma’s girl!” That never bothered me at all. I loved my mother and to me that was a compliment. Her loving demeanor and constant support gave me the confidence I needed to take on the world.

The words of encouragement she gave me were my inspiration and determination to accomplish anything I set out to do. For example, when I went away to college I needed to get a job to make extra money. My mother told me, “Go ask the President of the University for one. My best friend, Merle, her son did and got one. You can too. Just go and ask.” And I did.

Sure enough I got the job I wanted in the Head Football Coach’s office. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it worked. I can hear my mother’s words of wisdom taken from Matthew 7:7 – “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you.”

There would be many such words of wisdom she would share with me, but the most memorable words I remember from my childhood are the ones she spoke when I interviewed her for my religion project in 5th grade. The underlying message from these words have stuck with me ever since.

My question to her was, “What is your greatest legacy to the world?” As a child of 11 I was not ready for her response. She smiled and replied, “It is you. You are my legacy to the world. You are my greatest achievement and finest creation.”

Those words astounded me. I could not believe my mother thought that I was her greatest achievement. I never had looked at being a mother as being so important.

She elaborated even more by saying that her children were her lasting legacy to the world and being a mother was her greatest mission in life. It was what God had chosen her to do.

Wow! Such powerful words to pass on to her youngest child and impressionable words as well.

Now as I reflect on the words she spoke to me those many years ago, I can relate to what she was trying to impress upon me. Being a good mother, loving your children, developing them into confident, loving adults is the greatest legacy a mother can leave to the world. It is what lasts the test of time.

No matter how much success you achieve in life or how famous you may become, it is your children who are the most important legacy. They are unique, one-of-a-kind creations because they are a part of you.

Hopefully one day I can pass on my mother’s words of wisdom to my children. Because no matter what I do in this life, no matter how many students I teach, blogs I post or people I meet, my children are my lasting legacy to the world.

They will remember me long after I am gone from this world and I want them to be loving memories filled with happy times.

Hearing the words, “I love you momma,” is the greatest achievement and success I can ever possibly receive in this life. This is what my mother taught me long ago with her wonderful words of wisdom.

Motherhood is what God has called me to do in this world of endless possibilities.

As for me, this is another life lesson learned!