My daughter and I were on the way to an appointment in uptown New Orleans and we were running late as usual. We were trying to follow the directions we had obtained from MapQuest but were having no luck in getting anywhere. ( Remember this was before GPS navigation.)

Taking what I thought was a shortcut, we ended up on a dead-end street. On our way back up the street we saw a man standing outside a building obviously taking a smoking break. When we drove up and rolled down the window the man turned to us and said, “May I help you?’

Of course I quickly told him our dilemma and asked for directions. Without any hesitation he said, “Just take a right at the corner, then another right 2 streets down and you should be there.”

I quickly said my thank you and we hurried on our way to follow his directions.

A few minutes later we were no closer to our destination than we were before. Frustrated, I turned to my daughter and commented out loud – “this isn’t the right way to go. I think that guy gave us the wrong directions!” To my surprise my daughter responded, “Well Mom, that’s what happens when you get directions from a BLIND man! Didn’t you read the sign on the building? It said Lighthouse for the Blind.”

Sure enough, when we passed the intersection where the street was there was a HUGE green and white sign that read, “Lighthouse for the blind next left.” In our haste I never noticed it until then.

Talk about the blind leading the blind! Of course until this day my husband never lets me live down what happened.

Chalk it up to another life lesson learned.