Continuing The Lenten Journey…..

Continuing The Lenten Journey…..

Today at our school we celebrated Liturgy with the Bishop. He is a charismatic speaker who puts things on the students’ level for understanding. I like his homilies because the underlying message always hits home for me. Today his homily focused on our Lenten journey...
A True Man of God

A True Man of God

When I was twelve yrs. old I lost my father to a heart attack. My mother had to return to the workforce after many years of being a stay at home mom. She took his death very hard. Not only had she lost her best friend and husband, but she still had to raise me, her...
True Steel Magnolia’s

True Steel Magnolia’s

Growing up in New Orleans was such a unique experience. People who visit only get a small glimpse of its’ individuality and culture. Close family and community ties, united by deep faith and tradition is truly the cornerstone of what makes New Orleans a one of a kind...