During this Lenten Season we are reminded of Jesus’ journey through the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. His time spent being tempted by the devil only strengthended His resolve to let nothing come between him and who he is, and who he is called to be.The relationship between Jesus and the Father is only forged stronger and the temptations of the devil falls short. As Christians on our Lenten journey, we need to strengthen ourselves like Jesus did and stand fast in our commitment to our faith identity, our mission on earth, and our relationship to God. This is the time to find power in the Holy Spirit and cleanse our souls of the things that come between us and God. During this time we can reassess how we handle everyday life temptations and begin to focus our sights on the road to everlasting salvation. Because in the end, we don’t belong to this world. We belong to God and his Kingdom. It’s the foundation of our faith:

“We believe in Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the Communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body and live everlasting.”

Like Jesus in the desert, we are never forgotten by God. We are always safe in the palm of his hand where we find unconditional love, trust, loyalty, forgiveness, grace and true peace. I pray that your journey this Lenten season helps you strengthen your relationship with God the Father and gives you the arsenal you need to resist the temptations that come after these 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. Remember to keep the faith and know that you are loved!