“Abandon yourself into the hands of Mary.

She will take care of you.”

Padre Pio


Throughout the history of Catholicism, we have been told how very special our Blessed Mother Mary is from all of us. From the time she was conceived in the womb without original sin, she was highly favored and perfected in God’s grace to be the mother of our Savior – Jesus. Mary’s humble “yes” to the Archangel Gabriel set off events that would shape not only her world, but the existence of Christianity and the Church as we know it. Her acceptance to become the Mother of Jesus was also the acceptance to be our mother as well. But what I think we must all understand is even though she was unique and hand chosen by God, she was first and foremost a mother.

Through Mary’s eyes we encounter a simple yet extraordinary life of a truly devoted and faithful mother, whom at the end of her life is taken body and soul into heaven. It is through Mary’s eyes we can feel the Holy Spirit moving  through her as she humbly answers “yes” to the Archangel Gabriel’s message to be the mother of Jesus. In the stable we are shown the ultimate motherly joy as Mary cradles Jesus in her arms. We can feel the warmth and love of a mother bonding with her baby for the first time. In that split second the world changes from darkness to light and the life of the church begins.

Through the gospels we see Mary’s motherly journey with Jesus. In the gospel of Luke, we see an anxious mother looking for her young son and after finding him is reminded once again of his purpose and mission. Yet, as the Blessed Mother, she holds the reality of this moment in her heart. In many more instances we see through her eyes the mother/son devotion. At the wedding in Cana their bond is revealed when Mary asks Jesus to turn the water into wine and he performs his first public miracle for her.

Though the greatest moment of Mary’s deepest love and devotion for Jesus is shown through the eyes of a grieving mother, as she encounters her son and Lord on the road to Calvary. Gazing upon Jesus’ beaten, bloodied and bruised body, we can feel her deeply wounded heart breaking and the gut wrenching pain she bears as her eyes meet his. In that precise moment her motherly love, though human, transcends and the two divine and loving souls connect both as mother/son and Lord/servant. Mary’s love endures all things for the love of her son and for the faithfulness to her God.

In the end through Mary’s eyes, we see her at the foot of the cross mourning the death of her beloved son Jesus. She gently and tenderly cradles him in her arms just as she did on the day he was born. Her devotion to her son does not end with his death but continues as she turns her eyes upon us her earthly children.

We too, must depend on Mary’s motherly love to grow spiritually to know her son Jesus and to obtain everlasting life. If we place our hands in her hands she will lead us to her son. Through Mary’s ever watchful gaze, we her earthly children can see beyond this journey called life into heaven where we can be together as one family, one body in Jesus Christ.