With all that’s going on in the world right now, I thought I would try to lighten things up a bit with a true story revolving around the shortage of toilet paper. Maybe you can relate to this situation, but most of all I hope it makes you laugh!

Everyone knows the saying from the movie A Field of Dreams, “If you build it, he will come,” but in my instance the phrase is, “if you pray for it, it will come!” And by it, I mean toilet paper. Now before you go thinking that I’m absolutely nuts for praying for toilet paper, consider what’s happening right now. The Coronavirus is spreading out of control all over the world and the most sought-after commodity right now, for whatever conceivable reason, is toilet paper. People are hoarding it and buying it up as if it were liquid gold.  As for me, in my seemingly endless search I can’t seem to be able to find any at the store, order any online, and we’re down to our last 4 rolls and we have 2 adults and 2 teenagers in the house. I’m getting desperate! I feel totally stressed out – I’m going out searching frantically early in the morning at all the stores around my house. It’s like trying to kick the caffeine habit. The more you can’t have it, the more you want it and need to have it. I even found myself calling a friend of ours who’s husband works for Walgreens to find out when the next truck shipment was coming in!  It’s truly become an obsession to find some. It’s just insane. So, the other night out of desperation I reached my lowest point and decided to pray for toilet paper. I know! I know! The Lord must have been rolling his eyes and thinking – “toilet paper, really?” I went to sleep that night feeling so guilty and ashamed for adding toilet paper to my prayer list for the sick, quarantined, doctors and nurses and all my other intentions. Needless to say, it was a restless night.

The next day I continued my toilet paper pilgrimage. At the end of the day, feeling defeated and anxious about dwindling down to our last 2 rolls, I got a text message. It was from my former sister-in-law who I hadn’t spoken to in a few years, but we keep in touch by Facebook. Her text began with “please send me your address.” I figured she wanted to send the kids something in the mail. Then I read the rest of her text.

“I want to mail you some toilet paper, paper towels and wipes. Girl, I’ve been praying and praying. I’m constantly talking with God. We love you and your family. Please let me help with the paper products. Love you honey. Still family in my book!  Love,  M.”

I couldn’t believe what I was reading! Actually, after seeing the words sending you toilet paper, my mind exploded! My toilet paper prayer had been answered!! Totally freaked out, I ran and told my husband about the text. He was in shock and asked if I had said anything to her and I said no. I continued to babble on about how I prayed for toilet paper just the night before. He stood their shaking his head and gave me that “yeah right” face. We both started to laugh, and though it was weird I knew somehow my crazy toilet paper prayer had been heard and answered.

In these trying times we are facing right now as people of God, it is our prayers that unite us as one and help us to cope. If we are to come through this ordeal together, stronger and whole it is through constant and heartfelt prayer. Prayer is powerful. Many of us have seen what it can do within our own lives.

If my crazy little prayer for toilet paper was answered indirectly, just think what we can accomplish by continuously uniting together in one voice to God in prayer for healing across our world. Miracles happen every day. I know it happened for me, and it was just for toilet paper.

Keep the faith and know that you are loved.