Today at our school we celebrated Liturgy with the Bishop. He is a charismatic speaker who puts things on the students’ level for understanding. I like his homilies because the underlying message always hits home for me.

Today his homily focused on our Lenten journey and what is means to be Christians. He said that being Christian is not so much about focusing on living our lives by rules and guidelines that have been set in place, but the knowing of Jesus Christ and sharing in His love for us.

It is when we love God and He loves us in return that our lives are transformed. He added that as Christians there are boundaries, but these boundaries are there to help us grow in our faith and love with God.

These rules, like for example the Ten Commandments, are an outline that is there to help us shape the direction  of where we will travel on the road of our journey to everlasting life.  And if we put these rules to practice in our lives and make God our first priority then all will fall in place.

What a simple, yet powerful message :

  • Love God.
  • Let God love you.
  • Put God first.
  • All things will fall in place.

 Works for me!  Hope your Lenten Journey is going well.