When I write about life lessons learned I have a tendency to analyze them from a spiritual perspective or how I like to call it “Faith” perspective. Being raised Catholic has meant so much to me at different times in my life.

I have to say that the seeds of faith that my parents planted in me years ago and that were nurtured by them and others has made all the difference in my life.

Now don’t go thinking I am this holier than thou person, but I believe things happen for a reason and that if “God brings you to it, He will see you through it.”

And the reason I say this is because through every trial and tribulation in my life, through the darkest times when my soul ached with fear or was riddled with despair and heartbreak, God was there.

I may not have seen Him, but I felt His presence. And for those of you who have felt His presence you know what I mean.

To be cradled in the arms of the Savior is the most intense feeling in the world. For me, it is like basking in the warmth of the sun, peaceful and serene, and yet safe like being wrapped in your mother’s arms.

The completeness and connectedness I felt to my maker each time was overwhelming and healing. I could feel my soul at peace and knew at that moment what being loved unconditionally meant.

When the experience is over it leaves you with a sense of wholeness and renews your faith that God is watching and knows what you need. If that is a glimpse of what heaven is going to be like when I die, I want in.

In these crazy times when the world around us is so loud and you can’t hear the sound of your own voice, take time out and find a quiet place to sit and relax for a moment. Take a couple of deep breaths and give your mind and spirit over to Him.

Be still and know that He is your God and let that thought overtake the moment.  Bask in the warmth of the “Son,” feel His peace and love for you. Take some time to rest in His holiness.

I promise that if you do you will be renewed and refreshed and ready to face whatever comes your way.

For me, this is another life lesson learned.