She’s sassy, stubborn and has a one-track mind. On the other hand she is sweet, smart and loving. My husband loves to say she is “high maintenance.” My oldest daughter, Rachel, calls her “spoiled.” I love to call her “Mini-Me!”

Cate is our 5-year-old daughter and she is adorable. Of course, spoken like a true mother who loves her own child!

Even though she can be difficult at times (that is an understatement), her energy and compassion to create and learn is amazing. She is totally inquisitive of the world around her.

She wants to know about everything, anything, and loves to discover new things. She is always asking questions and loves to sit and talk about everything! Sometimes I pray for quiet, but when she’s quiet I know she’s up to something she shouldn’t be!

One moment she could be watercolor painting, blowing bubbles or cutting and pasting pictures. Next she is building a tent, playing restaurant, interacting with learning games on the iPad or riding her scooter.

I would love to harness her unlimited energy. She is like the Energizer Bunny – she keeps going, and going, and going. Cate doesn’t fall asleep she just passes out! She never wants to miss out on anything.

Sometimes it gets to be exhausting with her endless pursuit of knowledge and playtime, but from what my older sister has told me I was exactly like her when I was little – always asking questions, always running around and also extremely attached to my mother.

Cate is the same way with me. I call her my shadow. If I’m sitting she has to come and sit next to me. At night she loves to come and snuggle. I call her my “snuggle bunny” and I tell her she gives some of the best hugs and kisses in town.

I know God sent her late in life to me just like he sent me for my mother – to share life together and to make all our lives more richer. Josh wouldn’t say that though. He thinks she’s a pest and totally aggravating at times , but she’s real good at snapping the ball when they play football together! Of course, spoken like a true big brother.

With all her high maintenance and high energy she keeps me on my toes and makes me treasure even more the role of being an older mom.

Raising younger kids at my age helps me take a step back and realize that the time we spend together is precious and that life lessons need to be taught constantly and lovingly at this impressionable age.

An age that will foster the good habits for future success and happiness. My mother did that for me and these life lessons have made all the difference in my world.

I love my Cate. She may be sassy, but she’s a momma’s girl!