Coming Home

Coming Home

Everyone can relate in one way or another to the phrase. “There’s no place like home.” For me, this week totally exemplified this phrase. Going home for the Easter Holidays was one of the most fulfilling times in my life on so many levels. By that I mean I truly...
Moving On…..

Moving On…..

It’s funny how life’s journey can bring you to so many places and to so many people. Over the past 6 years I have spent my time at a wonderful school community where I have made many new friends and worked with many hard-working and dedicated people. I consider myself...
God’s First Mother’s Day Gift

God’s First Mother’s Day Gift

God’s First Mother’s Day Gift… Since its Mother’s Day I have chosen to write about my first gift from God, my daughter Rachel Ann. It’s funny when she was younger she didn’t like to be called “Rachel Ann”, but now she does. How time changes things! Everyone says she...