Importance of Student Writing Conferences

Importance of Student Writing Conferences

“As writers, what we all need more than anything else in the world is listeners, listeners who will respond with silent empathy, with sighs of recognition, with laughter and tears, and questions and stories of their own. Writers need to be heard.”      ~ Lucy...
Instructing Struggling Readers

Instructing Struggling Readers

Instructing Struggling Readers Instructing struggling readers is much like weaving a delicate tapestry. In the end the overall outcome is magnificent and the beauty is in the details. One must remember that each tapestry is unique in its’ own way and that the design...
21st Century Classroom

21st Century Classroom

Thinking and learning skills in the 21st century revolve around real-world applications and global communication. Unlike it was in my day over 25 years ago, acquired knowledge today can be put to use immediately within our students’ lives. As teachers, in the...