Living on a Prayer

Living on a Prayer

With all that’s going on in the world right now, I thought I would try to lighten things up a bit with a true story revolving around the shortage of toilet paper. Maybe you can relate to this situation, but most of all I hope it makes you laugh! Everyone knows the...
Coming Home

Coming Home

Everyone can relate in one way or another to the phrase. “There’s no place like home.” For me, this week totally exemplified this phrase. Going home for the Easter Holidays was one of the most fulfilling times in my life on so many levels. By that I mean I truly...
Life Lessons Recall

Life Lessons Recall

Some people may call this “mid-life crisis”, but I like to call it “life lesson recall.” Some of the things I am going to share with you will come from different periods in my life. Most of these were written during a master’s class I was taking at Rollins College....