Like Mother, like Daughter…..
She’s sassy, stubborn and has a one-track mind. On the other hand she is sweet, smart and loving. My husband loves to say she is “high maintenance.” My oldest daughter, Rachel, calls her “spoiled.” I love to call her “Mini-Me!” Cate is our 5-year-old daughter and she...
Asking for Directions…..
My daughter and I were on the way to an appointment in uptown New Orleans and we were running late as usual. We were trying to follow the directions we had obtained from MapQuest but were having no luck in getting anywhere. ( Remember this was before GPS navigation.)...
“Words of Wisdom”…. another life lesson learned.
You can ask anyone who knows me and they will say the relationship I shared with my mother was extremely special. We were so very close and I loved her unconditionally. She was not only my mother, but my best friend, confidant, biggest fan and the one person I trusted...
A Friday during Lent…
Friday’s during Lent brings me back to my roots in New Orleans. These memories permeate most because I feel they were such memorable family and community building times for me. Every restaurant and almost every catholic elementary school had some type of Seafood...
Creating an Appetizing Word Study for Student Readers
As a teacher, you bring a part of yourself to the classroom. For me, I bring my Naturally New Orleans Cajun upbringing, which of course includes my cultivated cooking skills. So you can say my lessons are full with flavor and spice! For this post I am combining my...
“Faith Perspective”
When I write about life lessons learned I have a tendency to analyze them from a spiritual perspective or how I like to call it “Faith” perspective. Being raised Catholic has meant so much to me at different times in my life. I have to say that the seeds of faith that...
“Let Go and Let God”….. Another life lesson learned.
I woke up this morning with a heavy heart and an overburdened soul. I have been trying to make sense of a situation in my life for the past year. It has caused me many a sleepless night and constant worry, but today all was put into perspective for me. I have been...
Continuing The Lenten Journey…..
Today at our school we celebrated Liturgy with the Bishop. He is a charismatic speaker who puts things on the students’ level for understanding. I like his homilies because the underlying message always hits home for me. Today his homily focused on our Lenten journey...
A True Man of God
When I was twelve yrs. old I lost my father to a heart attack. My mother had to return to the workforce after many years of being a stay at home mom. She took his death very hard. Not only had she lost her best friend and husband, but she still had to raise me, her...